Transitional Bilingual Education – Early Exit Program Model
Transitional bilingual/early exit is a bilingual program model in which students identified as Emergent Bilingual students are served in both English and another language and are prepared to meet reclassification criteria to be successful in English-only instruction not earlier than two or later than five years after the student enrolls in school. Instruction in this program is delivered by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education under TEC, §29.061(b)(1), for the assigned grade level and content area. The goal of early-exit transitional bilingual education is for program participants to use their primary language as a resource while acquiring full proficiency in English. This model provides instruction in literacy and academic content through the medium of the student’s primary language and English instruction that targets second language development through academic content.
Transitional Bilingual Education – Early Exit Program Model Goals
The bilingual education program shall be an integral part of the general educational program required under Chapter 74, including foundation and enrichment areas, ELPS, and college and career readiness standards. In bilingual education programs, school districts shall purchase instructional materials in both program languages with the district's instructional materials allotment or otherwise acquire instructional materials for bilingual education classes. Instructional materials for bilingual education programs on the list adopted by the commissioner of education may be used as curriculum tools to enhance learning. The school district shall provide for ongoing coordination between the bilingual and the general education program. Bilingual education shall address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of Emergent Bilingual students as follows:
Affective Emergent Bilinguals in a bilingual program shall be provided instruction using second language acquisition methods and/or their primary language to introduce basic concepts of the school environment and content instruction both in their primary language and in English, which instills confidence, self-assurance, and a positive identity with their cultural heritage. The program shall be designed to consider the students' learning experiences and shall incorporate the cultural aspects of the students' backgrounds.
Linguistic Emergent Bilingual students in a bilingual program shall be provided intensive instruction in the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing both in their primary language and in English, provided through the ELPS. The instruction in both languages shall be structured to ensure that the students master the required essential knowledge and skills and higher-order thinking skills in all subjects.
Cognitive Emergent Bilingual students in a bilingual program shall be provided instruction in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies both in their primary language and in English, using second language acquisition methods in either their primary language, in English, or both, depending on the specific program model(s) implemented by the district. The content area instruction in both languages shall be structured to ensure that the students master the required essential knowledge and skills and higher-order thinking skills in all subjects.

Anne Leal
Executive Director of Multilingual