Friday, February 25, 2022 is "Go Texan" Day! Let's celebrate by wearing our western gear. Viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022 es el día de "Go Texan". Vamos a celebrar con nuestra ropa vaquera.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Go Texan Day
Don't forget! This Saturday, February 19th, 2022, the Houston Health Department will be hosting a Free COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic (Mobile Unit) in Mangum Elementary's parking lot from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Everyone is welcome!
over 2 years ago, SWS Mangum Elementary
poster for a free COVID clinic
Poster for vaccination clinic in Spanish
Thank you Mr. Willis for all you do for our students at Discovery Middle and Empowerment High! Gracias Sr. Willis por todo lo que usted hace para nuestros alumnos en la secundaria Discovery y la preparatoria Empowerment.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Today we would like to honor Mr. Victor J. Glover, Jr. "If we apply force in every direction, no work gets done, or at least the net sum is zero. We don't have to agree on every detail, but we need to agree on an end state. So, let's unify, clarify, and work!" - Mr. Gover Jr.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Thank you Mr. Dang for all you do for our students at Discovery Middle and Empowerment High! Gracias Sr. Dang por todo lo que usted hace para nuestros alumnos en la secundaria Discovery y la preparatoria Empowerment.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Southwest Schools wishes you a lovely Valentine's Day!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
valentine 2022
Thank you Ms. Whallfor all you do for our students at Empowerment High! Gracias Srta. Whall por todo lo que usted hace para nuestros alumnos en la preparatoria Empowerment.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Thank you Mr. Alaniz for all you do for our students at Discovery Middle! Gracias Sr. Alaniz por todo lo que usted hace para nuestros alumnos en la secundaria Discovery.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Thank you Ms. Jones for all you do for our students at Bissonnet Elementary! Gracias Sr. Jones por todo lo que usted hace para nuestros alumnos en la primaria Bissonnet.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Thank you Mr. Jones for all you do for our students at Discovery at Nehemiah Middle! Gracias Sr. Jones por todo lo que usted hace para nuestros alumnos en la secundaria Discovery en Nehemiah.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
On Saturday, February 19th, the Houston Health Department will be hosting a Free COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic (Mobile Unit) in Mangum Elementary's parking lot from 9:00AM – 1:00PM. Everyone is welcome.
over 2 years ago, SWS Mangum Elementary
Poster for vaccination clinic
Poster for vaccination clinic in spanish
What a wonderful event we had with our parents discussing TELPAS. Qué maravilloso evento tuvimos con nuestros padres hablando de TELPAS.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
TELPAS Family Event
Charlas mulitlingue
REMINDER: Multilingual Chat at 4 pm RECORDATORIO: Charla Multilingüe a las 4 de la tarde
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Multilingual chat
Multilingual chat
As the Southwest Schools celebrates Black History Month, we would like to honor, Maya Angelou. You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have. - Maya Angelou
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Maya Angelou
Happy Monday all!
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Rdg Activities
El distrito estará cerrado mañana, viernes 4 de febrero de 2022 debido al clima. Todas las clases y operaciones del distrito se reaunudarán el lunes 7 de febrero de 2022. Por favor manténgase abrigados y seguros.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
no hay clases 4 de febrero
The district will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 4, 2022 due to inclement weather. All normal district operations and classes will resume on Monday, February 7, 2022. Please stay safe and warm.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
no school 2-4-2022
All campuses will have a normal schedule tomorrow, Thursday, February 3, 2022. However all after school activities and events will be cancelled. We will continue to monitor the weather and keep you updated via our website and social media. Stay warm and stay safe.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
cancelled after school 2-3-2022
Southwest School is actively monitoring weather condidtions. Should there be any changes to the normal school day, operations or scheduled activities we will notify staff and parents via our website, social media, and mass notification system.
over 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
weather 2-2-2022
Our Incredible Cabinet at TASA Mid-winter.
over 2 years ago, Discovery Middle
TASA midwinter