Nuestros alumnos pueden graduarse de la preparatoria con un grado asociado a través de nuestra Academia Universitaria (Early College Academy), o pueden obtener una carrera y entrenamiento técnico a través de nuestro programa de Academia de Carreras (Career Academy).
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
At Southwest Public Schools, we celebrate diversity and understand the importance of fostering global citizens. Our commitment to bilingual education is a cornerstone of our mission, ensuring that students not only excel academically but also become culturally aware and linguistically adept. Enroll today!
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Enroll Now
#EscuelasDeHouston #EscuelasCharter #EducaciĂłnBilingĂĽe #EducaciĂłnPĂşblica #PreparaciĂłnParaLaUniversidad #PreparaciĂłnParaLaCarrera #EducaciĂłnEnHouston #VoyConSouthwest #SouthwestPublicSchools
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
"Kudos to our students for their enthusiastic participation in Red Ribbon Week! Let's support our future leaders in making healthy choices. Felicitaciones a SWPS el entusiasmo con que han participado en la Semana Red Ribbon.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Red Ribbon
¿Busca una experiencia educativa excepcional para su hijo? ¡No busque más! En Southwest Public Schools, estamos dedicados a nutrir las mentes jóvenes, la preparación de los alumnos para el éxito post-secundaria, y construyendo una base sólida para el aprendizaje permanente.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
At Southwest Public Schools, we're dedicated to nurturing young minds, preparing students for postsecondary success, & building a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Enroll today!
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Enroll Now
"Did you know that substance abuse affects millions of lives? Let's raise awareness by promoting a drug-free lifestyle. "ÂżSabĂ­as que el abuso de sustancias afecta a millones de vidas? Cambiemos esa estadĂ­stica creando conciencia y promoviendo un estilo de vida libre de drogas.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Drug Free
Enroll today, and let's build a bright future for your child! #CollegePreparation #CareerReadiness #HoustonEducation #ImGoingSouthwest #SouthwestPublicSchools
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
At SWPS, we pledge to make healthy choices and stay drug-free. đź’Ş Join us in taking a stand during #RedRibbonWeek En SWPS, nos comprometemos a tomar decisiones saludables y mantenernos libres de drogas. đź’Ş Ăšnete a nosotros para mantenernos firmes durante #SemanaRedRibbon.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Enroll Now
#EscuelasDeHouston #EscuelasCharter #EducaciĂłnBilingĂĽe #EducaciĂłnPĂşblica #PreparaciĂłnParaLaUniversidad #PreparaciĂłnParaLaCarrera #EducaciĂłnEnHouston #VoyConSouthwest #SouthwestPublicSchools
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Mangum students are ready to pedal their way into an unforgettable experience with the “CYCLE FOUNDATION." We are changing children’s lives through literacy, & we are excited to participate in the reading challenge. Let's inspire and lead healthy, active lifestyles.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Reading and Health
Our students can graduate high school with an associate’s degree through our Early College Academy, or they can get career and technical training through our Career Academy program.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Enroll Now
Venga a formar parte de nuestra siempre creciente familia y vea a su hijo prosperar. InscrĂ­base hoy!
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
¿Sabías que...? Los jóvenes corren el riesgo de experimentar síntomas respiratorios de gravedad, como bronquitis y dificultad para respirar, después de sólo 30 días de consumo de cigarrillos electrónicos, según un nuevo estudio.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Drug Free
Did you know? Young people are at risk of experiencing significant respiratory symptoms, including bronchitis and shortness of breath, after just 30 days of electronic cigarette use, according to a new study. #RedRibbonWeek
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Drug Free
Hey everyone! Today in our 5th grade science class, we're diving into the fascinating world of FORCE and MOTION! #Enrollnow
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Force and Motion
Join us at the College Fair, on 11-1-2023! This is an excellent opportunity for students to interact with representatives from various colleges, and gain insights into the admissions process. Students will learn about the different college programs and explore their options.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
College & Career Fair November 1, 2023 5 PM to 7 PM Free to the Public.
College & Career Fair November 1, 2023 5 PM to 7 PM Free to the Public.
Descubra un mundo de oportunidades, creatividad y crecimiento para su hijo aquí mismo, en nuestra comunidad vibrante. Somos más que una escuela; somos una familia dedicada a nutrir las mentes jóvenes.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
At Southwest Public Schools, we're not just preparing students for today but equipping them for tomorrow's challenges. Our commitment to college and career readiness is at the heart of our mission. #CollegePreparation #CareerReadiness #ImGoingSouthwest #SouthwestPublicSchools
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Enroll Now
Did you know? Brightly colored "edibles" can be tempting for young kids and are more widely available now that many U.S. states have legalized cannabis for recreational and medical use. # RedRibbonWeek
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Drug Free