Thank you all parents, teachers, and staff for attending our Kindergarten Awards Ceremony for the year 2023-2024, here at Southwest Public Schools International Leadership Academy. The time has come for your babies to move on to the next level. Please enjoy your summer break students and we will see you all next school year. Thank you everyone!!
3 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(1)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(3)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(4)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(5)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(6)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(7)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Kindergarten Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(8)
Thank you all parents, teachers, and staff for attending our Pre-K Awards Ceremony for the year 2023-2024, here at Southwest Public Schools International Leadership Academy. The time has come for your babies to move on to the next level. Please enjoy your summer break students and we will see you all next school year. Thank you everyone!!
3 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(1)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(3)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(4)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(5)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(6)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(7)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Pre-K Awards Ceremony 2023-2024 Post(8)
Southwest Public Schools resumes normal operations Tuesday, May 21st. All campuses are open!
3 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Dear Southwest Public Schools’ Families and Staff, Thank you for your patience as we worked to ensure our staff is ready, and our campuses, food services and transportation are efficient. We are now ready for a safe return, and campuses and district offices will resume normal hours Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Estimadas familias y personal de Southwest Public Schools, Gracias por su paciencia mientras trabajamos para asegurar que nuestro personal esté listo, y que nuestras escuelas, servicios de comida y transporte sean eficientes. Ahora estamos listos para un regreso seguro, y las escuelas y oficinas del distrito volverán a su horario normal el martes, 21 de mayo de 2024.
3 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Open
May 23rd is the last day of school for students! Thank you to our students, parents, teachers and staff for a great school year! ¡El 23 de mayo es el último día de clases para los alumnos! ¡Gracias a nuestros alumnos, padres, maestros y personal por un gran año escolar!
3 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Last Day of School
Estimadas Familias y Personal de Southwest Public Schools, Debido a los daños generalizados de la reciente tormenta que afectó a Houston, las escuelas de Southwest Public Schools permanecerán cerradas el lunes 20 de mayo de 2024. Seguimos trabajando con oficiales de la ciudad para evaluar nuestras escuelas y asegurar que estamos listos para volver a abrir y satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros alumnos. Somos conscientes del bien estar de nuestras familias, personal y alumnos, y aseguramos que nuestros maestros y administradores trabajarán con los alumnos con respecto a las tareas, y todos los alumnos tendrán la oportunidad de completar las tareas necesarias para la promoción y graduación. Cualquier información específica de cada escuela será comunicada por los directores de la escuela. La graduación de Empowerment HS sigue programada para el miércoles 22 de mayo de 2024. Si usted es una familia o empleado que necesita ayuda, por favor póngase en contacto con el director o supervisor de su escuela para obtener apoyo. Seguiremos supervisando nuestras escuelas y el restablecimiento de la electricidad y les estaremos informando antes de las 4 p.m. con respecto a la escuela para el día siguiente.
3 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Closure - Monday
Dear Southwest Public Schools' Families and Staff, Due to the widespread damage of the recent storm impacting Houston, Southwest Public Schools will remain closed Monday, May 20, 2024. We continue to work with city officials to assess our campuses and ensure we are ready to reopen and meet the needs of our students. We are sensitive to our families, staff and students, and we assure our teachers and administrators will work with students regarding assignments, and all students will have opportunities to complete the necessary assignments for promotion and graduation. Any campus specific updates will be communicated by campus principals. Graduation for Empowerment HS is still scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, 2024. If you are a family or employee in need of assistance, please contact your campus principal or supervisor for support. We will continue to monitor our facilities and power restoration and will provide a daily update by 4 p.m. regarding school for the following day.
3 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Closure - Monday
Southwest Public Schools is continuing to communicate with city officials, and we will communicate updates by 6 PM. Please continue to monitor social media and our website. We will also send text and email alerts. Our thoughts continue to be with our families at this time who were impacted by the storm. Southwest Public Schools continúa comunicándose con oficiales de la ciudad y comunicaremos un aviso a las 6 PM. Por favor continúe monitoreando las redes sociales y nuestro sitio web. También enviaremos alertas por texto y correo electrónico. Nuestros pensamientos están con nuestras familias a las quienes fueron impactado por la tormenta.
3 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Update
Due to widespread damage across Houston, Southwest Public Schools has coordinated with the City of Houston and is closing all campuses on Friday, May 17. Schools will reopen on Monday, May 20. Debido a los daños generalizados por la tormenta en todo Houston, Southwest Public Schools se ha coordinado con la ciudad de Houston y cerrará todos las escuelas el viernes 17 de mayo. Las escuelas reabrirán el lunes 20 de mayo.
4 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Debido a los daños generalizados por la tormenta en todo Houston, Southwest Public Schools se ha coordinado con la ciudad de Houston y cerrará todos las escuelas el viernes 17 de mayo. Las escuelas reabrirán el lunes 20 de mayo.
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Cancellation
Due to widespread damage across Houston, Southwest Public Schools has coordinated with the City of Houston and is closing all campuses on Friday, May 17. Schools will reopen on Monday, May 20.
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Cancellation
Thank you students, teachers, staff, and volunteers for attending our first Field Day ever!! We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The following are some of the memorable images taken during this time for grade levels Pre-K-2nd. Unfortunately I won't have time to prepare a nice post for everyone; however, it will be available in our front office TV once it is complete. Thank you all so much, have a happy rest of the school year!!
4 months ago, Patrick Batiza
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Stands Activity(1)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Stands Activity(2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Stands Activity(3)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Tag Relay Race Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Tag Relay Race Boys
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): 50-Meter Dash Boys
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Water Activity
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Stands Activity(4)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Tug-a-War Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(PK-2nd. Grade): Tug-a-War Boys
Thank you students, teachers, staff, and volunteers for attending our first Field Day ever!! We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The following are some of the memorable images taken during this time for grade levels 3rd-5th. Unfortunately I won't have time to prepare a nice post for everyone; however, it will be available in our front office TV once it is complete. Thank you all so much, have a happy rest of the school year!! (Next post will hold the memorable images taken for grade levels Pre-K-2nd.)
4 months ago, Patrick Batiza
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Dress-up Relay Race Boys
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Dress-up Relay Race Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Water Activity
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Beach Ball Relay Race Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Three-Legged Relay Race Boys
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Three-Legged Relay Race Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): 50-Meter Dash Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): 50-Meter Dash Boys
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Tug-a-War Girls
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day 2024 Games Post(3rd.-5th Grade): Tug-a-War Boys
¡Hola, padres y familias de estudiantes emergentes bilingües de Southwest Public Schools! Vengan y únanse a nosotros en el Segundo evento anual de la familia y comunidad, este 15 de mayo de 5:00 a 7:00 pm en la cafetería de Southwest Public Schools College and Career Preparatory Academy, en 6400 Westpark Dr. Estaremos compartiendo actividades de literatura para realizar en casa, información de servicios que ofrece Southwest Public Schools, así como programas de apoyo para sus famiias. ¡No se pierda la oportunidad de ganar premios!
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Spanish Event
Hello, parents and families of Emergent Bilingual students at Southwest Public Schools! Come and join us for the 2nd Annual Family and Community Engagement Event this Wednesday, May 15, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of Southwest Public Schools College and Career Preparatory Academy, 6400 Westpark Dr. We will share literacy supports, information about Southwest Public Schools, and family support programs. Don’t miss the opportunity to win prizes!
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Multilingual Event
FIELD DAY!! Starting May 9-10, this event will last the FULL school day. Cheer for our students, as they will partake in all sorts of physical events. There will be a variety of other stands available to entertain all students. Students please make sure to wear tennis shoes, have an extra set of clothing, towel, shades, water, sunscreen, or a hat; to be protected from the sun and heat!! Please make sure to bring a small personal bag/backpack to store your items. A flyer will be sent to you on your Tuesday folder for each student. We hope to see you all when the time comes everyone, have an amazing school year!!
4 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day Event of 2024 Flyer(English)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Field Day Event of 2024 Flyer(Spanish)
Today, we celebrate the rich culture and heritage of Mexico. Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army's victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. In the US, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of Mexican American culture. It's a time to honor our shared history, traditions, and contributions. Let's come together to celebrate diversity! #CincoDeMayo #Unity
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Cinco de Mayo
Southwest Public Schools continues to monitor the weather. At this time, we are continuing school. All students are safe. Parents may pick up students early; however, we will continue our normal school day and run buses as usual. All after school activities have been cancelled.
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Weather Alert
Southwest Public Schools is closely monitoring the weather throughout the day. Currently, we are operating on a normal schedule. All campuses are open!
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Weather Alert
It's time to put those math skills to work and show what you've got on the STAAR test! Believe in yourself, stay focused, and give it your all. Remember, you've been preparing for this moment, and you are more than capable of success. We believe in you! 📚🎉
4 months ago, Southwest Public Schools