SWS first day of school is Wednesday, August 17, 2022. El primer día de clases es el miércoles 17 de agosto de 2022.
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
1st day is 2022
EHS actively learning 7 Steps to a Language-Rich Interactive Classroom! We are excited about the new school year!
about 2 years ago, Empowerment High
Dr. Adams had a wonderful time at the Region 4 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year Celebration. #r4TOY @Region4ESC
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
R4 Supts
Excited to learn about rocks, and we loved decorating them!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
We love learning how to build a sentence.
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Sent Bldg
Summer School Learning at Empowerment HS
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Alumnos de Southwest Schools, si necesitan vacunas, por favor llamen a 832-824-6355 para hacer una cita.
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Enjoying Summer School at Discovery MS
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Summer School Fun at Mangum ES
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWS Principals, Congratulations and Thank you for all you do! Principal of the Year, Mrs. Chavez! New Principal of the Year, Mr. Gonzalez! Assistant Principal of the Year, Ms. Johnson!
about 2 years ago, Marian Kennedy Busby
Principal of the Year
New Prin of the Year
Prin of the Year
Celebrating our Principals!
about 2 years ago, Marian Kennedy Busby
Attendance Leader
PLC Perfectionist
Growth Leader
Data and Culture
At our Leadership Team Meeting, we celebrated our Principals for all their accomplishments! SWS appreciates each of our leaders.
about 2 years ago, Marian Kennedy Busby
Celebrating Our Principals
At our Leadership Team Meeting, we celebrated our Principals for all their accomplishments! SWS appreciates each of our leaders.
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
celebrate principals
SWS Data Leader of the Year is Mrs. Chavez! SWS Campus Culture Creator of the Year is Mrs. Chavez!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Data Ldr CCC
SWS Attendance Leader of the Year is Mrs. Kennedy-Busby!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWS PLC Perfectionist of the Year is Ms. Ray!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
PLC Perf
SWS Growth Leader of the Year is Dr. Lodree!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWS Principals, Congratulations and Thank you for all you do! Principal of the Year, Mrs. Chavez! New Principal of the Year, Mr. Gonzalez! Assistant Principal of the Year, Ms. Johnson!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
POY - Chavez
NPOY - Gonzalez
APOY - Johnson
Enjoying Summer School! ¡Divirtiéndonos en la Escuela del Verano!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
SS 2022
EV 2022
SWS High Quality Instructional Materials Leader of the Year is Mr. Gonzalez!
about 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools