Good morning parents, students and staff! We just started our Resource Fair. Many organizations are here already to provide support to our families and we have fun activities for the kids and delicious food. Don't miss it! Buenos días padres, estudiantes y personal ! Acaba de comenzar nuestra Feria de Recursos. Ya están aquí muchas organizaciones para proveer apoyo a nuestras familias y tenemos muchas actividades divertidas para los niños, y comida para todos. No se lo pierdan !
5 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Hola padres y estudiantes, mañana organizaremos nuestra Feria de Recursos Comunitarios de Bissonnet Elementary, que se llevará a cabo en el estacionamiento de nuestra escuela de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. Habrá eventos divertidos y comida disponibles, se podrá acceder a varios otros recursos, como vacunas, servicio dental y más. Todos los folletos se entregarán o ya se entregarán a su hijo en su carpeta del martes. ¡¡Esperamos verlos a todos mañana!!
5 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Community Resource Fair Flyer(Spanish)
Hello parents and students tomorrow we will be hosting our Bissonnet Elementary Community Resource Fair that will be held at the parking lot of our school from 9:00am-1:00pm. Fun events and food will be available, several other resources will be accessible such as vaccines, dental service, and more. All flyers will be or have already been given to your child on their Tuesday folder. We hope to see you all tomorrow!!
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Community Resource Fair Flyer(English)
Thank you parents for attending this weeks Talk About it Wednesday!! We hope that you enjoyed your time here and hope to see you all again on April 18. Thank you all once again!! See you all soon Cardinals!!
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Talk About it Wednesday 2024
Are you coming to Talk About It Wednesday? Please enter through the Pre-K playground, we will be in the Parent Center today. We hope to see you! Van a venir a la Charla del Miercoles? Por favor entrar por el parque de Pre-K, hoy estaremos en el Parent Center. Nos encantaria verlos! 8:30 - 9:30 am
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Buenos días estudiantes y padres de familia, ha comenzado la Semana de la Feria del Libro Scholastic 2024. Tenga en cuenta, que cada clase para cada nivel de grado tiene un horario programado en el que se les permite ingresar a la biblioteca, para comprar lo que tenemos a la venta. Este evento durará hasta el 22 de Marzo de 2024. Organizaremos una Noche de Feria del Libro Scholastic aquí en la cafetería, el miércoles 20 de Marzo de 2024, de 4:00 p. m. a 5:00 p. m. Todos los estudiantes y padres son bienvenidos a ir y comprar. Esperamos que todos disfruten comprando en la Semana de la Feria del Libro Scholastic 2024 de este año.
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Scholastic Book Fair Week 2024 Flyer(Spanish-2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Scholastic Book Fair Week 2024 Class Tuesday Schedule
Good morning students and parents, the Scholastic Book Fair Week 2024 has begun. Please note that each class for each grade level has a scheduled time they are allowed to enter the library to buy what we have for sale. This event will last until March 22, 2024. We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair Night here in the cafeteria, on Wednesday March 20, 2024, from 4:00pm-5:00pm. All students and parents are welcome to attend and buy. We hope you all enjoy shopping at this years' Scholastic Book Fair Week 2024.
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Scholastic Book Fair Flyer(English-2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday Schedule
Hello students, parents, and staff welcome back! We hope you all enjoyed your Spring Break. Now that you are rested and ready to go, here are a few images of our last week together for Read Across America Week 2024. Thank you all for all you've done so far we appreciate you and hope you have an amazing rest of the school year.
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Read Across America Week 2024(Day 1 Post)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Read Across America Week 2024(Day 2 Post)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Read Across America Week 2024(Day 3 Post)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Read Across America Week 2024(Day 4 Post)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Read Across America Week 2024(Day 5 Post)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Read Across America Week 2024(Title Post)
Hello parents and students, Ms. Jones would like to give a BIG shout out to all families in this Bissonnet Community..."Thank you all so much for choosing Southwest Public Schools as the place for your child to receive an education. The books and other items we are selling for this upcoming Scholastic Book Fair Week 2024, will not only encourage future readers, but also with every book bought earns us rewards we can use for our students. Flyers have been sent out to students, and the available times have been posted on our social media and school website. I hope you all have a lovely Spring Break students, rest well and stay safe everyone!"
6 months ago, Patrick Batiza
Scholastic Book Fair Week 2024: Ms. Jones Displaying Books and Items for Sale in the Library
All SWPS campuses/offices will be closed for Spring Break Monday, March 11th through Friday, March 15th. Classes will resume Monday, March 18, 2024. Todos las escuelas/oficinas de SWPS estarán cerradas debido a las vacaciones de primavera desde el lunes 11 de marzo hasta el viernes 15 de marzo. Las clases se resumirán el lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024.
6 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Spring Break Announcement
Buenos días padres y estudiantes, la próxima Feria del Libro Scholastic se llevará a cabo del 18 al 22 de Marzo, en la Biblioteca. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de comprar lo que tenemos durante sus tiempos auxiliares. Prepárate para cuando sea tu turno de comprar. Todos los horarios estan programados para cada clase, en cada nivel de grado, se enumeran en nuestra publicación anterior enviada por nuestro subdirector, el Sr. Meléndez. Se entregará un folleto a cada estudiante en su Carpeta del Martes, con los libros que tenemos a la venta. También habrá una Noche de Feria del Libro de Campus Scholastic, aquí en Bissonnet en la cafetería, el 20 de marzo; de 4:00pm-5:00pm. ¡Nos vemos pronto, Cardinals!
6 months ago, Patrick Batiza
Scholastic Book Fair 2024 School Day Event (Spanish)
Good morning, parents and students, the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair will be held from March 18-22 in the Library. Students will have the chance to buy what we have during their ancillary times. Make you are prepared for when it's your turn to shop. All scheduled times for each class, in each grade level have been listed in our previous post sent by our vice-principal Mr. Melendez. A flyer will be given to each student in their Tuesday folder featuring books we have for sale. There will also be a Campus Scholastic Book Fair Night, here at Bissonnet in the cafeteria, on March 20; from 4:00pm-5:00pm. See you all soon, Cardinals!
6 months ago, Patrick Batiza
Scholastic Book Fair 2024 School Day Event (English Flyer)
Hola padres y estudiantes, nos gustaría invitarlos a todos a nuestra Feria de Recursos Comunitarios de Bissonnet Elementary que se llevará a cabo el 23 de Marzo de 2024. A partir de las 9:00 a. m. a 1:00 p. m., organizaremos este evento especial en este escuela. Además de los eventos divertidos y la comida que estarán disponibles, se podrá acceder a varios otros recursos, como vacunas, servicio dental y más. Todos los folletos se mandarin o ya se mando a su hijo/hija en su carpeta del martes. Esperamos verlos a todos...
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary  Community Resource Fair
Hello parents and students we would like to invite you all to our Bissonnet Elementary Community Resource Fair that will be held on March 23, 2024. Starting from 9:00am-1:00pm, we will be hosting this special event on Bissonnet. Aside from the fun events and food that will be available, several other resources will be accessible such as vaccines, dental service, and more. All flyers will be or have already been given to your child on their Tuesday folder. We hope to see you all...
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Community Resource Fair Flyer
This Friday, March 8th, we'll be having an early release day to support our teachers' professional development. All students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. Este viernes, 8 de marzo, tendremos un día de salida temprano para apoyar el desarrollo profesional de nuestros maestros. Todos los alumnos saldrán a la 1:00 PM.
6 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
March 8 Early Release Day
Muy Pronto!!!! La Feria del Libro de Scholastic! Estimados padres y familiares ¡Preparense! La Feria del Libro Scholastic está llegando a nuestro escuela. Elegir su propio libro empodera a los niños y los inspira a convertirse en lectores más audaces, orgullosos y fuertes. Y como siempre, cada libro que compren representa recompensas para nuestra escuela. Los estudiantes están emocionados y listos para comprar en la feria del libro. Enviaremos a casa un folleto de la feria del libro que tendrá algunos de los libros que estarán en la feria. La feria del libro se llevará a cabo del 18 al 22 de marzo de 2024. Los estudiantes visitarán la feria del libro en los horarios auxiliares de su biblioteca con la Sra. Jones. Los días y horarios están abajo de cuando su hijo visitará la feria del libro. Pre-K visitará la feria del libro el miércoles de 8:30 a 9:00 y de 9:00 a 9:30. También tendremos una noche de feria del libro el miércoles 20 de marzo de 4:00 a 5:00 pm, en la cafetería. Los padres son bienvenidos a venir y disfrutar de las compras en la feria del libro.
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Horarios de la Feria del Libro de Scholastic
Coming Soon!!!! The Scholastic Bookfair Dear parents and Families Get Ready! The Scholastic Bookfair is coming to our campus. Choosing their own book empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger readers. And as always, every book you buy earns rewards for our school. The students are excited and ready to shop at the bookfair. We will send home a book fair flyer that will have some of the books that will be at the fair. The book fair will run from March 18-22, 2024. Students will visit the book fair at their library ancillary times with Mrs. Jones. The days and times are below for when your child will visit the bookfair. Pre-K will visit the bookfair on Wednesday 8:30-9:00 and 9:00-9:30. We will also have a book fair night Wednesday March 20, 2024 from 4:00-5:00 in the cafeteria. Parents are welcome to come and enjoy shopping at the bookfair.
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Scholastic Bookfair Schedule
Estimados Padres Este mensaje es solo para recordarles que esta semana, todos los estudiantes de los grados 3,4 y 5 estarán tomando una Evaluación del Distrito en Lectura, Matemáticas y Ciencias. Por favor, asegúrense que los estudiantes vengan a la escuela todos los días, a tiempo y bien descansados. Muchas gracias !
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Dear Parents. This is just a quick reminder that this week, our students in grades 3,4 and 5 are taking the District Benchmark Assessments in Reading, Math and Science. Please make sure the students are coming to the school every day, on time and fully rested. Thank you so much!
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Teacher and Support staff of the year 2024. Lets give a big applause to Ms. Lizbeth Martinez our support staff of the year. Also Ms. Lilianna Orellana the teacher of the year for Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary. Thank you all teachers and staff for all that you have done for us so far. We appreciate all that you do, and hope for an amazing rest of the school year.
6 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Support Staff of the Year 2024: Lizbeth Martinez
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Teacher of the Year 2024: Liliana Orellana