Estimados padres y representantes. Queremos recordarles que esta y la próxima semana, la mayoría de los estudiantes de los grados 2,3,4 y 5 estarán tomando las porciones auditiva y oral de la prueba del estado llamada TELPAS. Por favor, asegúrense de traer a sus hijos a la escuela todos los días y a tiempo para cumplir con este requisito estatal. Gracias. Dear parents. We want to remind you that this and next week, most of our students in grades 2,3,4 and 5 will be taking the listening and speaking portions of the state assessment called TELPAS. Please bring your child to the school every day and on time to be in compliance with this state requirement. Thank you.
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Good Morning Parents, You are invited to our monthly community closet. Our CARDINALS COMMUNITY CLOSET is open today from 8:30-10:00 am. Clothes for all ages, shoes, household items and more. Please bring your own bags to put your items in. All items are completely free. We hope to see you all Buenos Dias Padres, Están invitado a nuestro armario comunitario mensual. Nuestro ARMARIO COMUNITARIO de los CARDINALS estará abierto para nuestros padres/comunidad hoy de 8:30 a 10:30 a.m. Ropa para todas las edades, zapatos, artículos para el hogar y más. Porfavor traiga sus propias bolsas para colocar todos sus artículos. Todo completamente gratis. Esperamos verlos a todos
6 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Parents and students at Southwest Public Schools: Come to celebrate our culture while we highlight the cultural diversity this Saturday, March 2nd, from 9 am to 12 at Empowerment High School. We will have student performances and activities for the family. Cultural attire is encouraged. Padres de familia y estudiantes de Southwest Public Schools: Vengan a celebrar su cultura mientas destacamos la diversidad, el sábado 2 de marzo, de nueve de la mañana a doce del mediodía en Empowerment High School.Habrá actuaciones especiales de estudiantes y actividades para la familia. ¡Lo invitamos a usar vestimenta cultural!
6 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Multicultural Day English
Multicultural Day Spanish
Celebraremos "Go Texan Day" este jueves, 22 de febrero (personal y alumnos) y viernes, 23 de febrero (personal), vistiéndonos con nuestro mejor estilo vaquero. Invitamos a todos los empleados y alumnos a que se vistan para mostrar su apoyo al Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Es una manera en que podemos iniciar el rodeo de este año, así como reconocer las importantes contribuciones de HLSR a la educación pública. HLSR ha sido un socio valioso para la juventud local concediendo millones de dólares en becas. ¡#SWPSGoTexanDay!
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Spanish Go Texan Day
Good morning parents. This is just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, February 22nd, all students from grades 2 to 5 will be taking the state assessment called TELPAS. Please make sure your child comes to the school tomorrow on time. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Buenos días padres y representantes. Este mensaje es solo para recordarles que mañana jueves, 22 de febrero, todos los estudiantes desde 2do hasta 5to grado estarán tomando el examen del estado llamado TELPAS. Por favor, asegúrense de que sus hijos vengan a la escuela mañana a tiempo. Muchas gracias y que tengan un lindo día.
7 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Friday, February 23rd is a Professional Development Day for teachers! Students have the day off from school. Classes resume Monday, February 26, 2024. ¡El viernes 23 de febrero es un día de desarrollo profesional para los maestros! Los alumnos tienen el día libre de la escuela. Las clases se resumirán el lunes 26 de febrero de 2024.
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
PD Day
Let's celebrate “Go Texan Day” this Thursday, February 22nd (staff & students) and Friday, February 23rd (staff), by dressing up in our best Western gear! All employees and students are encouraged to dress up to show their support for the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. It’s one way we can kick off this year’s rodeo as well as recognize the HLSR’s significant contributions to public education. The HLSR has been a valuable partner for local youth awarding millions of dollars in scholarships. #SWPSGoTexanDay!
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Go Texan Day!
Thank you Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary students and staff for your time on last weeks Picture Day.
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary Picture Day 2024: Class Group Picture in the Cafeteria(1)
Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary Picture Day 2024: Student Individual Picture in the Library(1)
Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary Picture Day 2024: Student Individual Picture in the Library(2)
Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary Picture Day 2024: Class Group Picture in the Cafeteria-Everyone's Hands Raised Up(2)
Are you coming to Talk About It Thursday? We hope to see you! Vas a venir a la Charla de Jueves? Nos gustaremos verte! 8:30 - 9:30 am Parents please make sure that if you are attending to enter via the Pre-K side; not the cafeteria. Thank you. Padres, porfavor asegurense de entrar por el lado donde asisten los estudiantes de Pre-K a la escuela; no la cafeteria, Muchas Gracias.
7 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Thank you for coming parents, hope you all enjoyed your time with us once again on this year's Daddy-Daughter Dance.
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Daddy-Daughter Dance 2024 Post 1
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Daddy-Daughter Dance 2024 Post 2
Todos las escuelas/oficinas de SWPS estarán cerrados del viernes 16 de febrero al lunes 19 de febrero. Las clases se resumirán el martes 20 de febrero de 2024.
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Mid-Winter Break Spanish
All SWPS campuses/offices will be closed for Mid-winter Break Friday, February 16th and Monday, February 19th. Classes will resume Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Midwinter Break
Buenas tardes padres, nuestro próximo Chat Multilingüe se llevará a cabo el 02/13/2024 de 6:00PM-7:00PM. Escanee el código QR con su teléfono o dispositivo (ubicado en el folleto) para unirse a nosotros en nuestra próxima reunión, en la que hablaremos sobre las evaluaciones de TELPAS este año y ayuda en casa. Tenga en cuenta, que para unirse deberá instalar la aplicación Teams a través de App Store, Google Play Store, etc. en su teléfono u otro dispositivo que utilice para unirse a esta reunión. Si tiene alguna pregunta, háganoslo saber para que podamos ayudarlo o comuníquese con el Departamento multilingüe para obtener información adicional (la información de contacto figura en el folleto).
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Multilingual Chat: Understanding the TELPAS Assessments & at Home Support Flyer (English)
Multilingual Chat: Understanding the TELPAS Assessments & at Home Support Flyer (Spanish)
Good afternoon parents our next Multilingual Chat will be held on 02/13/2024 from 6:00PM-7:00PM. Please scan the QR code with your device to join us in our next meeting, in which we will be talking about the upcoming TELPAS Assessments for this year and at home support. Please note, that in order to join you will need to install the Teams app via the App Store, Google Play Store, etc. on your phone or other device you use, to join this meeting. If you have any questions please let us know so we may assist you, or contact the Multilingual Department for additional information (contact info listed in the flyer).
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Multilingual Chat: Understanding the 2024 TELPAS Assessments & at Home Supports Flyer(English)
Multilingual Chat: Understanding the 2024 TELPAS Assessments & at Home Supports Flyer(Spanish)
Thank you students and staff for taking part in this weeks 100 Days of School 2024 Parade here at Southwest Schools Bissonnet Elementary. We hope that you all enjoyed your time so far here in our campus and continue to keep learning and working hard for the rest of the school year. Lets keep being awesome Cardinals!!
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
100th School Day Parade 2024: Cover Post
100th School Day Parade 2024: Parade Around Campus(1)
100th School Day Parade 2024: Parade Around Campus(2)
Thank you all for attending last months Children's Museum of Houston 2024 Girls Only Field Trip & Birthdays of January, to all student, parents, teachers, and staff. I hope that you are all doing well and keep being awesome!!
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Birthdays of January 2024 Post
Children's Museum of Houston 2024 Girls Only Field Trip(Post 1)
Children's Museum of Houston 2024 Girls Only Field Trip(Post 2)
Houston Food Bank is coming to Southwest Public Schools tomorrow!
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Food Bank
Food Bank Spanish
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Join SWPS as we honor the rich tapestry of African American heritage, culture, & contributions throughout history & today. This Feb., let's reflect, learn, & celebrate the resilience, achievements, & legacy of Black Americans. #BlackHistoryMonth #CelebrateDiversity
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Black History Month
⏰ This Friday, February 2nd, we'll be having an early release day to support our teachers' professional development. All students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. #EarlyReleaseDays #TeacherDevelopment #StudentSuccess #iamgoingsouthwest
7 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Early Release Day