Buenos Dias Padres, Están invitados a nuestro armario comunitario mensual. Nuestro ARMARIO COMUNITARIO de los CARDINALS estará abierto para nuestros padres/comunidad hoy de 8:30 a 10:30 a.m. Ropa para todas las edades, zapatos, artículos para el hogar y más. Por favor, traiga sus propias bolsas para colocar todos sus artículos. Todo completamente gratis. ¡Esperamos verlos a todos!
7 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Good Morning Parents, You are invited to our monthly community closet. Our CARDINALS COMMUNITY CLOSET is open today from 8:30-10:00 am. Clothes for all ages, shoes, household items and more. Please bring your own bags to put your items in. All items are completely free. We hope to see you all!
7 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Good morning parents. Our third community engagement session will be on January 23, 2024, from 9:00a. m. to 11:00 a. m. in the E-Colors room at Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. The title of this session is “Fostering Statewide Community Connections for Families of EB Students.” Attached you will find the flyer for this community event. We hope to see you there.
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Bilingual Chat Event Post(English)
Bilingual Chat Event Post(Spanish)
Buenos días padres Nuestra tercera sesión de participación comunitaria será el 23 de Enero de 2024, de 9:00 a 11:00 a. m. en la sala E-Colors de Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. El título de esta sesión es "Fomento de las conexiones comunitarias en todo el estado para familias de estudiantes de EB". Adjunto encontrará el folleto de este evento comunitario. Esperamos verlos alla.
7 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Bilingual Chat Event Post(English)
Bilingual Chat Event Post(Spanish)
Southwest Public Schools is monitoring weather conditions for potential heavy rainfall tomorrow morning, Monday, January 22nd. We will provide updates on social media, email, and callouts as needed.
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Monitoring the Weather
Buenos días padres Nuestra tercera sesión de participación comunitaria será el 23 de Enero de 2024, de 9:00 a 11:00 a. m. en la sala E-Colors de Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. El título de esta sesión es "Fomento de las conexiones comunitarias en todo el estado para familias de estudiantes de EB". Adjunto encontrará el folleto de este evento comunitario. Esperamos verlos alla.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Bilingual Chat Event Post (English)
Bilingual Chat Event Post (Spanish)
Good morning parents. Our third community engagement session will be on January 23, 2024, from 9:00a. m. to 11:00 a. m. in the E-Colors room at Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. The title of this session is “Fostering Statewide Community Connections for Families of EB Students.” Attached you will find the flyer for this community event. We hope to see you there.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Bilingual Chat Event Post(English)
Bilingual Chat Event Post(Spanish)
Buenos días Padres, ¿Vienes a Charla del jueves? Centro Infantil DePelchin - Coordinadora del programa, la Sra. Linda estará en el campus con una presentación importante sobre las familias que experimentan dificultades para criar a sus hijos. El programa STEP ofrece clases grupales para padres que ofrecen apoyo a los padres a través de intervenciones destinadas a mejorar la comunicación entre padres e hijos y ayudar a los niños a aprender de las consecuencias de sus propias decisiones. El orador invitado tendrá una hoja de inscripción para los padres que estén interesados ​​en inscribirse en el programa. Únase a nosotros en esta importante sesión. Esperamos verte! 8:30-9:30 a.m.
8 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Good morning Parents, Are you coming to Talk About It Thursday? DePelchin Children’s Center - Program Coordinator Ms. Linda will be in campus with an important presentation regarding families experiencing difficulties in raising their children. The STEP Program offers group parenting classes that offer parent support through interventions aimed at improving parent/child communication and helping children learn from the consequences of their own choices. The guest speaker will have a sign-up sheet for parents who are interested in enrolling into the program. Join us for this important session. We hope to see you! 8:30-9:30am
8 months ago, Antonio Melendez
All Southwest Public Schools’ and facilities will resume normal operations tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17, 2024. We look forward to all students returning to campuses at 7:30 AM. Buenas tardes familias y personal de Southwest Public Schools’: Todas las escuelas y facilidades de Southwest Public Schools resumirán operaciones normales mañana, miércoles, 17 de enero de 2024. Los alumnos regresarán a clases a las 7:30 AM.
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Southwest Public Schools
All Southwest Public Schools and facilities will resume normal operations on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
School Resumes
Join our next Multilingual Chat hosted by TEA!
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Multilingual Chat
Spanish Version
Debido al pronóstico de una helada fuerte y viento peligroso, todos las escuelas y oficinas de Southwest Public Schools estarán cerradas mañana, martes, 16 de enero. Por favor, continúe monitoreando la página de web de Southwest Public Schools, las redes sociales y los medios de noticias para cualquier información. Tomaremos una decisión con respecto al miércoles, mañana por la tarde.
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Spanish School Closure
Due to the hard freeze and dangerous wind chill, all SWPS’ campuses and facilities will be closed on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Please monitor the SWPS’ website, social media, and news outlets for any updates. We will make a decision regarding Wednesday tomorrow afternoon.
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
No School Tuesday
🌈✨ Today, we honor MLK Jr., a visionary leader, who paved the way for equality & justice. Let's continue his legacy by fostering a community of respect, understanding, and unity. Together, we can create a future where every student thrives, and diversity is celebrated. 📚
8 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
MLK Jr Day
Buenos días padres Nuestra tercera sesión de participación comunitaria será el 23 de Enero de 2024, de 9:00 a 11:00 a. m. en la sala E-Colors de Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. El título de esta sesión es "Fomento de las conexiones comunitarias en todo el estado para familias de estudiantes de EB". Adjunto encontrará el folleto de este evento comunitario. Esperamos verlos alla.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Mulitilingual Chat Event Post(English)
Mulitilingual Chat Event Post(Spanish)
Good morning parents. Our third community engagement session will be on January 23, 2024, from 9:00a. m. to 11:00 a. m. in the E-Colors room at Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. The title of this session is “Fostering Statewide Community Connections for Families of EB Students.” Attached you will find the flyer for this community event. We hope to see you there.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Multilingual Chat Post(English)
Multilingual Chat Post(Spanish)
Good morning parents. Our third community engagement session will be on January 23, 2024, from 9:00a. m. to 11:00 a. m. in the E-Colors room at Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. The title of this session is “Fostering Statewide Community Connections for Families of EB Students.” Attached you will find the flyer for this community event. We hope to see you there. Buenos días padres Nuestra tercera sesión de participación comunitaria será el 23 de Enero de 2024, de 9:00 a 11:00 a. m. en la sala E-Colors de Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. El título de esta sesión es "Fomento de las conexiones comunitarias en todo el estado para familias de estudiantes de EB". Adjunto encontrará el folleto de este evento comunitario. Esperamos verlos alla.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Multilingual Chat Flyer Post(English)
Multilingual Chat Flyer Post(Spanish)
Don't forget parents the Multilingual Chat will be on the 23rd of this month, please be sure to scan the QR code on the flyer using your phone to fill the questions it links to if you are interested. If you have any questions regarding the Multilingual Chat event, call the number listed on the flyer.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Multilingual Chat Flyer English
Multilingual Chat Flyer Spanish
Hello parents, tomorrow at 9:00am-11:30am, Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary will be hosting a Recruitment event here in our campus. All families are welcome to participate in this event. Any questions you might have will be answered, there will be a tour of the campus, Refreshments will be available to all families, and we will also be offering same day enrollment if you are interested. For further information, please call the number listed on this flyer. All those who enroll have an opportunity to win a free laptop as a prize. See you all tomorrow!!
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Campus Recuitment Flyer(English-Revised)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Campus Recuitment Flyer(Spanish-Revised)