Buenos días padres Nuestra tercera sesión de participación comunitaria será el 23 de Enero de 2024, de 9:00 a 11:00 a. m. en la sala E-Colors de Empowerment HS/Discovery MS. El título de esta sesión es "Fomento de las conexiones comunitarias en todo el estado para familias de estudiantes de EB". Adjunto encontrará el folleto de este evento comunitario. Esperamos verlos alla.
8 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Multilingual Chat
The Multilingual Chat will be held on Jan. 23, 2024 from 9:00am-11:00am, in Empowerment Highschool in the E-Colors room. Please scan the QR code with your phone if you are interested in attending.
8 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Multilingual Chat Flyer(English) With an Easy to Scan QR Code to Attend
Multilingual Chat Flyer(Spanish) With an Easy to Scan QR Code to Attend
Thank you parents for attending to this wonderful Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 event, here at Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary. We hope that you all enjoyed seeing your child on stage performing their Christmas songs for all of you. We hope that you all enjoy Winter Break... See you all next year!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(1)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(3)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(4)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(5)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(6)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Fa-La-La-La Fiesta Winter Program 2023 Event(7)
Dear Parents This is just a quick reminder there is not After School Program today. All students are dismissed at 3:15 pm. Queridos padres. Este es solo un recordatorio de que hoy no habrá Programa después de la Escuela. Todos los estudiantes terminaron clases a las 3:15 pm.
9 months ago, Antonio Melendez
The end has come... Thank you all students, teachers, and staff for playing these last two days of Twelve Days of Jeans "Reindeer Day!" and "North Pole!" 2023 event. We hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed capturing those wonderful moments for these last three weeks. Once again thank you all so much for playing, stay safe, rest, and have a marvelous Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Twelve Days of Jeans "North Pole!" 2023 Event: Students Dressed in Holiday Pajamas
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Twelve Days of Jeans "Reindeer Day!" 2023 Event: Teachers and Staff Dressed in Their Best Reindeer Clothing/Head Ornament
Thank you teachers and staff for playing this year's Secret Santa event. I hope you all enjoyed spreading the Christmas spirit to your peers. I pray that all students, teachers, and staff have a lovely Christmas, see you next year!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Secret Santa 2023 Event: Teachers and Staff Giving Each Other Gifts(1)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Secret Santa 2023 Event: Teachers and Staff Giving Each Other Gifts(2)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Secret Santa 2023 Event: Teachers and Staff Giving Each Other Gifts(3)
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Secret Santa 2023 Event: Teachers and Staff Giving Each Other Gifts(4)
Good morning Bissonnet Parents, Our Talk About It Event will take place this morning from 8:30 - 9:30 am. Crime Stoppers will be sharing a very important presentation on gaming safety. We hope to see you all here. Buenos Dias Padres de Bissonnet, Nuestro evento Talk About It se llevará a cabo esta mañana de 8:30 a 9:30 am. Crime Stoppers compartirá una presentación muy importante sobre la seguridad en los video juegos. Esperamos verlos a todos aquí.
9 months ago, Antonio Melendez
Happy Birthday teachers and staff of November and December!! We hope you all enjoyed last weeks "Make a Sandwich" in the teachers lounge and had an amazing day. We hope that all students, teachers, and staff enjoy this last week of the semester before the Winter Break!! See you in January everyone!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Birthdays of Both November and December for Teachers and Staff(1)
Birthdays of Both November and December for Teachers and Staff(2)
Birthdays of Both November and December for Teachers and Staff(3)
Friday, Dec. 15th - No school for students. All SWPS campuses/ offices will be closed for Winter Break Dec 18-Jan 1. January 2nd – No school for students. Classes will resume January 3, 2024.
9 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
Thank you for attending to todays theme for Twelve Days of Jeans "Bissonnet Spirit Day!" 2023, here in Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary! See you all tomorrow everyone!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Twelve Days of Jeans "Bissonnet Spirit Day!" 2023 Post; Students and Staff Represent the Spirit of Bissonnet
A new day, a new day of jeans. This is the last week before Winter Break. Thank you all for taking part in today's "Get Your Jingle On!". Thank you very much and see you all soon Cardinals!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Twelve Days of Jeans(Get Your Jingle On!) 2023 Post; Staff Members Wearing Bells
Hello everyone, today marks the end of another week before Winter Break. Thank you all for taking part in these last couple of days of Twelve Days of Jeans 2023!! This post reveals a few commemorative photos taken for the last two days of this event. We hope that you've all been enjoying this as much as we have, and hope you all have an amazing weekend! Starting Monday's theme will be the "Get Your Jingle On!" Its' all about "bells, bells, BELLS!!" Prepare to jingle your way at the start of a new week... See you all soon everyone!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Twelve Days of Jeans "Crazy Holiday Sweaters/Shirts!" 2023 Post; Student and Staff Wearing Their Favorite Holiday Shits & Sweaters
Twelve Days of Jeans "Keep Your Head on During the Holidays!" 2023 Post; Teachers and Students Wearing Headbands
Thank you parents for attending our last day of Future Student School Tours, here at Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary!! We enjoyed having you all here, and showing you around our campus!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Future Student School Tours(12/06/2023) Post
Today's theme is "Crazy Holiday Sweaters/Shirts!" for Twelve Days of Jeans here at Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary. Thank you all for taking part in yesterday's "Elf on the Shelf!", we can't wait for what we'll see today... Let's keep being awesome everyone!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Twelve Days of Jeans "Elf on the Shelf!" 2023; Staff Wearing Elf-like Clothing
Twelve Days of Jeans continues here at Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary. Today's theme is "Elf on the Shelf"!! Also, thank you all very much for celebrating this ongoing event with us. See you all soon!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Bissonnet Elementary Twelve Days of Jeans "Grinch Day" 2023 Post ; Students and Staff Wearing Their Favorite Grinch Shirts
Friday, December 8th is an Early Release Day! Our students are dismissed at 1:00 PM to give our dedicated teachers valuable time for training and collaboration.
9 months ago, Southwest Public Schools
A new week begins with a new theme, and jeans. Tomorrows theme is "Grinch Day", if you have a Grinch shirt, or Grinch-like costume wear, feel free to put them on! Otherwise, wear as much green as humanly possible. The fun continues tomorrow folks, see you all soon!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Twelve Days of Jeans "Candy Cane Day" 2023 Post; Teachers and Staff  Dress in Red and White Stripes
The last day of the week but we are still going! Next week on Monday the theme will be "Candy Cane Day", dress up with anything with red and white strips if possible. We appreciate you all student and staff alike for being part of Southwest Public Schools. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and come back to use well rested and ready to learn. See you later everyone!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Twelve Days of Jeans "Superheroes!" 2023 Post; Students and Staff Dressed With Their Favorite Superhero T-shirt
Another day, a new theme. Twelve Days of Jeans continues here at Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary. I hope you are all enjoying this event as much as we do, because its not over until the last day! Let's keep being awesome everyone!!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Twelve Days of Jeans "Crazy for Christmas!" 2023 Post; Everyone Wearing Their Favorite Holiday T-shirt
Thank you all for attending our Bingo Night, here at Southwest Public Schools Bissonnet Elementary. We hope that you were all able to enjoy this event, also a special congratulations to yesterday's winners!
9 months ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
SWPS Afterschool Bingo Night 2023; Families Having Fun Playing Bingo in the Cafeteria