Wahoo!! Ms. Stinson’s 5th grade homeroom and Ms. Carro’s 4th grade homeroom tied for winners of the November attendance challenge. A popcorn party is headed your way!! Thank you to all of our families and stakeholders who work hard everyday to ensure that students come to school daily.
almost 2 years ago, Erin Chavez
classroom teachers names with corresponding number of days the homeroom had perfect attendance. Ms Carro 10 and Ms Stinson 10 are the November winners
Hoy la ciudad de Houston ha levantado el aviso de hervir el agua y todas las escuelas y oficinas de SWS abrirán el miércoles 30 de noviembre.El Departamento de Mantenimiento está purgando las líneas de agua en preparación para el regreso seguro de los alumnos y empleados mañana.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Effective today, the City of Houston has lifted the Boil Water Notice, and all SWS’ schools, offices, and facilities will reopen Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Our facilities department is flushing all water lines today and preparing for students’ and employees’ safe return tomorrow.
No habrán clases y el distrito estará cerrado, mañana martes, 29 de noviembre 2022 debido al Aviso para Hervir Agua en la cuidad de Houston.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Due to the continued Boil Water Notice issued by the City of Houston, all SWS’ schools, offices, and facilities will be closed Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022. Prior to any reopen of Southwest Schools, our facilities department will ensure all water lines are flushed and fully operational. We will continue to closely monitor the situation, and we will provide further updates as needed.
No habrán clases mañana, lunes 28 de noviembre debido al aviso de Hervir Agua en Houston. Estamos monitoreando la situación y los mantendremos informados.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Due to the Boil Water Notice issued by the City of Houston late this evening, all SWS’ schools, offices, and facilities will be closed Monday, Nov. 28, 2022. We are closely monitoring the situation, and we will provide further updates tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving! ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWS gives Thanks.  We want to share our genuine appreciation to the Southwest Schools' Community.  Thank you for trusting our district to provide high quality education to our students.
We are always amazed and humbled by the power of connections and the generosity of strangers. Through an unexpected gift, we were able to hold a second Thanksgiving turkey giveaway this evening. A very gracious “Thank You” to Nadia Salazar and her colleagues at @NextGen Real Estate for their donation of 25 turkeys for our Bissonnet families! And, a grateful nod to her neighbor who baked cakes for the families, as well. Connections in the spirit of service, care and compassion make such a positive impact for our students. #gratitude
almost 2 years ago, Erin Chavez
Southwest schools Bissonnet Elementary turkey give away. Donor Nidia Salazar from NextGen real estate, Leticia Gil Social Worker, Erin Chavez Principal
SWS District will be closed November 21 - 25, for Thanksgiving Break. Classes will resume on Monday, November 28, 2022. El Distrito SWS estará cerrado del 21 al 25 de noviembre por las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias. Las clases se reanudarán el lunes 28 de noviembre de 2022.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
SWS District will be closed November 21 - 25, for Thanksgiving Break.  Classes will resume on Monday, November 28, 2022.  El Distrito SWS estará cerrado del 21 al 25 de noviembre por las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias. Las clases se reanudarán el lunes 28 de noviembre de 2022.
"TEACHERS AND STAFF!!!" Let us give a "BIG" thank you to the parent "Vilma Garcia". Who has given us the sweet treat commonly known as "CAKE!!" as an appreciation gift from her to the school. So let us show our appreciation by taking a bite from it tomorrow during our Thanksgiving Lunch and think of how thankful we are to her and her family for this lovely gift offered to our school, and keep being awesome at what we do. Thank you very much Ms. Vilma and her family!! Thank you very much teachers and staff at Bissonnet, lets be awesome and all have a lovely Thanksgiving!!!
almost 2 years ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Southwest Schools Bissonnet Elementary Appreciation Cake
Tomorrow morning, Southwest Schools Bissonnet Elementary is hosting the "Talk About it" event happening from 8:30am-9:30am, in the Parent Center (PK building). Parents please make sure that if you are attending to enter via the other building where the Pre-K students come to school; not the cafeteria, please. Thank you!! Mañana en la mañana, la Escuela Bissonnet Elementary de Southwest Schools llevará a cabo el evento "Talk About it" que tendrá lugar de 8:30 a. m.-9:30 a. m., en el Parent Center (edificio PK). Padres, por favor asegúrense de entrar por el otro edificio donde asisten los estudiantes de Pre-K a la escuela; No la cafetería, por favor. Muchas Gracias!!!
almost 2 years ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Talk About it Bissonnet School Event
TOMORROW NIGHT, FAMILY NIGHT!!! Come one, come all. Parents we invite you to attend this lovely day at Family Night tomorrow from 5:00pm-6:00pm please feel free to join us on our community and health programs and services that we will be hosting tomorrow evening. See you soon...
almost 2 years ago, Patrick Batiza
Family Night Flyer (English Translation)
Family Night Flyer (Spanish Translation)
Vengan para información que les puede ayudar. Ofrecemos la información para apoyar a la familia de nuestros alumnos. Reconocemos que es difícil discutir a ciertas cosas con sus hijos o con miembros de la familia. La presentadora les ofrecerá recursos y sugerencias.
almost 2 years ago, Erin Chavez
noche familiar 15 de noviembre 2021 5:00-6:00pm. cafetería de Bissonnet Elementary. presentadora Marcela González de los servicios familiares lidiando con angustia y trauma por NAMI de Greater Houston
Family Night November 15,2022 at Bissonnet Elementary School Cafetería. presented by Marcela Gonzalez from NAMI of greater Houston discussing Coping with Distress and Trauma
Bissonnet Elementary is now hosting its first year of Honor Society Chapters!! Now what is the Honor Society? The Honor Society is basically a club that provides learning opportunities about service, volunteerism, and leadership. The Honor Society will be available for students from 4th and 5th grade with at least an 85% grade point average to become academic role models for their peers. So, 4th and 5th graders be sure to keep those grades up. Our introduction will begin after Christmas break. Anyone interested please stay tuned. WE BELIVE IN YOU!!!
almost 2 years ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Bissonnet Elementary Honor Society
Happy Veteran's Day! ¡Feliz día de los Veteranos!
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Veteran's Day, thank you for your service!!
Please join our Multilingual Chat on November 11, 2022. Acompañanos a nuestra Charla Multilingüe el 11 de noviembre de 2022.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Mulitlingual Chat 11-11-2022
Charla Multilingue 11-11-2022
Please join our Multilingual Chat on November 11, 2022. Acompañanos a nuestra Charla Multilingüe el 11 de noviembre de 2022.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Mulitlingual Chat 11-11-2022
Charla Multilingue 11-11-2022
Tomorrow there is no school for students, teachers and staff will still attend though. The office and a few staff will still be in the Bissonnet Campus, while teachers and some staff will be in the Empowerment Building. The office will still be open at the usual time for parents that need anything. Thank you very much for being awesome everyone, and lets have a great District PD!!
almost 2 years ago, SWPS Bissonnet Elementary
Southwest Schools Professional Development words image
Please join our Multilingual Chat on November 11, 2022. Acompañanos a nuestra Charla Multilingüe el 11 de noviembre de 2022.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Mulitlingual Chat 11-11-2022
Charla Multilingue 11-11-2022
Today is Election Day! ¡Hoy es día de elecciones!
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Do not forget, today is Election Day.
Go Astros! ¡Vamos Astros!
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Monday off to Celebrate the Astros
El lunes dia feriado para celebrar a los Astros
Please join our Multilingual Chat on November 11, 2022. Acompañanos a nuestra Charla Multilingüe el 11 de noviembre de 2022.
almost 2 years ago, Southwest Public Schools
Mulitlingual Chat 11-11-2022
Charla Multilingue 11-11-2022